UrbanHub Smart Transport Platform

UrbanHub Help

Delight passengers with Help, our world-class support module.

Powering 130m+ passenger journeys a year

Create happy customers with our 24/7 support service

Ease the admin burden with our premium tech support package. We know transport operation teams can get bogged down in admin, taking up time. We handle passengers’ tech enquiries, while you manage the important ticket and travel feedback. With 24/7 monitoring and slick escalation processes, our leading support team has got your back.

Ready to give it a go?

passenger help and support

Why Choose Help

help intelligent support routine

Intelligent Support Routine

Our intelligent support routing means that any technical queries are sent directly to our team, so you get to focus on any driver, vehicle and service feedback. Fear not, you retain full control. Our seamless escalation process means you have approval over any key decisions like refunds or ticket transfers.

Bus Checker App

Easy Self-Serve for Common Queries

Did you know that 25% of support queries can be dealt with by passengers without human involvement? Our intelligent FAQs and ChatBot allow passengers to quickly search for solutions to common issues without taking up your time. And we deal with the rest of the technical stuff – easy!

24/7 support

24/7 Support

We monitor 24/7 and our SLA promises speedy turnaround times for passenger problems. Support Plus is fully integrated with our UrbanHub platform, so we can provide your customers with fast, high-quality support. You can also contact us at any time through our dedicated business portal.

Mobile ticketing Newport

The platform offers a modern, easy-to-use and reliable mobile travel app to our passengers. The launch of the app follows the implementation of contactless payments and will bring additional convenience and flexibility to bus travel […] I am hopeful that it will encourage more people to give the bus a try and make the switch.

— Scott Pearson, Managing Director at Newport Bus

Try it now

Whether you’re looking for a product demo, press contact, more information, or just a chat, our team is always here to help.

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