At UrbanThings, accessibility is not an afterthought; it’s a core principle embedded in our design philosophy.

Our design principles are rooted in Material Design, emphasising a clean layout and intuitive interfaces. Key considerations include:

  • High Contrast Ratios: Ensuring text and interface elements are easily distinguishable.
  • Simplified Language: Displaying text in simple English to accommodate younger or less experienced readers.
  • Screen Reader Support: Facilitating the use of assistive technologies for visually impaired users.
  • Streamlined User Flows: Minimising complexity to enhance user experience for all.
  • Adaptive Behaviour Flows: Offering a ‘List’ view instead of a ‘Map’ view to present information more clearly.
  • Descriptive Language for Controls: Using natural language to describe controls and features, such as arrival times of approaching vehicles.
  • Streamlined Interfaces: Hiding non-essential elements from screen readers to avoid clutter and confusion.
  • Lift Availability Integration: Providing real-time updates on lift status to prevent travel disruptions for wheelchair users.
  • Footpath Friendliness: Offering detailed information on the accessibility of paths, presented in both text and map formats.

Our latest enhancements are already live in our passengers apps. If you’re interested in having your own branded mobile app equipped with these features, please feel free to reach out to us. We’re dedicated to helping cities and operators revolutionise passenger engagement.

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